The influencer’s social media post stated:
“Here’s the link to my dress…just swipe up!”
Below the text there was a message stating:
“See More >”
The complainant considered that the post in question was misleading as the influencer did not disclose the fact that the post contained an affiliate link for which she was potentially receiving a commission from.
The advertisers thanked the ASAI for bringing attention to this issue and said that they had genuinely not been aware that it was necessary to alert followers to affiliate links. The advertisers said that they always ensured that they made people aware when posting an advertisement. Finally, the advertisers offered to remove the images and would, going, forward, alert followers to any affiliate links.
Complaint upheld.
The Complaints Committee considered the detail of the complaint and the advertisers’ response. The Committee noted the advertisers’ lack of awareness over requirements when posting and welcomed their undertaking to amend existing posts and to alert followers in future to any affiliate links.
The Committee noted the Code requirement that a marketing communication should be designed and presented in such a way that it is clear that it is a marketing communication. In the circumstances, they considered that the original posts had breached Sections 3.31 and 3.32 of the Code.
As the advertisers had undertaken to ensure that future affiliate links would be disclosed appropriately, no further action was required.