
ASAI Complaints Bulletin 14/8

Adjudications of the independent Complaints Committee of the Advertising Standards Authority for Ireland, on complaints in respect of 23 advertisements, are attached.

At their meeting, the Complaints Committee found 18 of the advertisements complained of to be in breach of the ASAI Code on grounds relating to principles, decency and propriety,  truthfulness/misleading, violence/anti-social behaviour and health and beauty.  Five advertisements were not upheld.

The advertisements complained of related to internet, direct mail, email, magazines, SMS messages, television, outdoor and press,

We would like to remind advertisers that the ASAI Monitoring Service monitors compliance with the  Complaints Committee’s adjudications.

Media members are reminded that  advertisements found to be in breach of the Code, cannot be accepted for publication.

The ASAI provides a free and confidential copy advice service to advertisers, agencies and media members.

For further information please contact:

ASAI –  (01) 6137040

The Advertising Standards Authority for Ireland (ASAI) is the self-regulatory body set up by the advertising industry, including advertisers,   agencies and media companies, to promote the highest standards of commercial advertising and to enforce the ASAI’s Code, full details of which are available on ASAI’s website –