
Annual Report 2023

We have released our Annual Report for 2023. 

This report highlights our ongoing collaboration with key organisations and stakeholders throughout the year to develop a robust framework capable of addressing challenges in the marketing communications industry.

Key Areas

"This year has seen the emergence of new statutory entities and important partners to Advertising Standards Authority in the co-regulatory landscape together with the development of new key guidance.

During 2023, we partnered with key organisations, including Coimisiún na Meán, to seamlessly progress our partnership agenda with the new broadcast and online media regulator, focusing on plans for a Memorandum of Understanding and joint projects next year. Additionally, we contributed to the State-led Mobile Phone and Broadband Taskforce regarding the use of the phrase ‘unlimited’ in advertising.

Comprehensive Influencer Marketing guidelines were also launched in 2023 with the Competition and Consumer Protection Commission. Ongoing promotion of the guidelines will continue into 2024 to educate influencers and brands on the correct disclosure of commercial content on social media, fostering trust in advertising for all and safeguarding consumers from advertising that is harmful, misleading or offensive.

Going forward, we will also be streamlining our complaints management operations to enable us distribute our resources across all areas of our service proposition so that our contribution to maintain high advertising standards can be maintained."

“The shift from traditional to online advertising has heightened the responsibility of brands and platforms to ensure that commercial content adheres to the high standards of the Code. The challenges currently being faced in the advertising industry highlight the importance of robust guidance and advertising co-regulation for widespread benefit. The establishment of Coimisiún na Meán and the Gambling Regulatory Authority of Ireland during 2023 were welcome additions to an already complex advertising landscape, and has further strengthened regulatory infrastructure across the wider industry.

The Advertising Standards Authority Annual Report emphasises the importance of engagement and collaboration with these bodies, the Competition and Consumer Protection Commission, and the necessity of industry and digital platform support for sustained regulatory success. The ASA Board continues to uphold best practices and appreciates the contributions of its members, Complaints Committee, and Review Panel.”