The advertisers offered the following information through Facebook and their company website:
“The best treatment to remove lice and nits
Kids & Nits is an innovative as well as effective, clean and safe method. Thanks to our hot air based and high speed maintenance, we are able to get rid of both lice and nits, without using any chemicals or heavy oil application…”
The advertisers also featured testimonials from various customers who were happy with the service which they had received.
The Hairforce, an Irish company operating a similar business, considered the advertising to be misleading. They said that they were the only company in Ireland who had exclusive rights to the patented heat treatment machine to assist with the removal of head lice and that Kids and Nits did not have such a machine on their premises. They considered that the advertisement offered a treatment which was not available.
The complainants also queried the validity of the testimonials which the advertisers had used.
The advertisers failed to respond to the complaint.
Complaint Upheld.
The Complaints Committee considered the details of the complaint and expressed their concern at the advertisers’ failure to respond in the matter. They reminded them that there is an onus on advertisers to ensure that their advertising is in conformity with
the Code. As the advertisers had not responded nor provided evidence that the treatment advertised was available, the Committee upheld the complaint under Sections 2.7 and 2.9 of the Code.
Action Required:
The advertisement should not be used in its current format again.