The advertisement featured a group of girls discussing their holiday plans. The conversation ensued as follows:
Female 1: Okay girls, holiday to Marbs is booked. Right, we have four weeks to get organised.
Female 2: Yeah, can’t wait.
Female 1: But first things first, we need Miss Fit Skinny Tea. It’s a 14 to 28 day natural teatox that can help us shift a few pounds. And we’ll look amazing in our bikinis.
Female 3: Oh I’ve heard of Miss Fit Skinny Tea.
Female 1: Who hasn’t? It’s in all good pharmacies and health stores!
Female 2:Oh and
All voices: Hashtag operation bikini body.
Male voiceover: As part of a healthy diet.
The complainant raised two issues in relation to the advertisement.
Complaint 1
While the advertisement stated that the tea may help with weight loss, the complainant queried if there was any independent research or clinical studies available to substantiate this claim.
Complaint 2
The complainant considered that the advertisement would have particular appeal to teenage girls who may be listening to the radio station in question at the time the advertisement aired i.e. 07.11am. He said that the scene was a common occurrence where a group of young girls may be having a chat before embarking on a night out together.
The advertisers said that while the advertisement was no longer being aired that it had not in fact made any claims. They also advised what had been stated was that their tea “may help with weight loss as part of a calorie controlled diet”. The advertisers also said that the group of girls in the advertisement were going to Marbella, not on a night out, and in their view teenage girls would not be holidaying in Marbella together.
Complaint upheld in part.
The Complaints Committee considered the details of the complaint and the advertisers’ response. ’
Complaint 1:
The Committee disagreed with the advertisers’ assertion that they had made no claims in their advertising. The Committee noted that the advertisement had stated that the tea ‘can help… ’. They noted that the advertisers had not provided any evidence for the effectiveness of the product and in the circumstances they considered the advertising was in breach of Section 12.2 of the Code.
Complaint upheld.
Complaint 2:
The Complaints Committee noted the complainant’s concerns in relation to the targeting of the advertisement and noted the information provided by the radio station. Whilst they did not accept the advertisers’ contention that teenage girls would not be holidaying in Marbella, the Committee did not consider that the advertisement had specifically targeted that age group.
Complaint not upheld.
While the advertising was not currently on air, it should not be used in the same format again.