Advertising feature in The Irish Times
“New phase of Millerstown family houses in Kilcock launching now
Hooke & MacDonald and Coonan New Homes launch the latest phase of McGarrell Reilly Group’s large semi-detached and detached houses at Millerstown, Maynooth Road, Kilcock.”
Included in the feature was the following statement:
“The transport links in the area are excellent, connecting Kilcock with Dublin city-centre and the surrounding local towns. Irish Rail provides an excellent commuter service via the Arrow Train with an approximate 25 minute journey to the heart of the capital.”
The complainant noted the journey time claim of 25 minutes using Irish Rail in the advertising and stated that the Irish Rail website had stated that the shortest journey time in optimal conditions was 40 minutes. The complainant claimed that most journeys on this route during commuter times were 50 minutes, double that claimed in the advertising.
The advertisers stated that the advertising feature had been placed by them but that they had only become aware of their error regarding the train travel times after it had been published. They said that they had requested the media to amend the feature or remove it from their website.
They said that they were extremely conscientious about accuracy in all their advertising material which has led them to have an impeccable record in this regard.
Complaint Upheld.
The Complaints Committee considered the detail of the complaint, the advertisers’ response and that the advertisement had been amended. The Committee noted that the travel time of 25 minutes had been used incorrectly and that the correct travel time according to the Irish Rail journey planner ranged from 39 minutes up to 54 minutes at peak times. While the Committee accepted that the advertisement had mistakenly stated the incorrect travel time, in view of the fact that the quickest journey time according to the Irish Rail journey planner was 39 minutes, which was over 55% longer than the travel time used in the advertising, the Committee considered that the advertising had misled by inaccuracy and was therefore in breach of Sections 4.1 and 4.4 of the Code.
As the advertisement had been amended, no further action was required in this case.