A Groupon Deal for a Matrix Diet Bundle stated:
“Matrix Diet Bundle: 2.25kg Whey with African Mango Tablets, Zepherine or Creatine €49.99.
Highlights: Matrix workout supplement bundles;
2.25kg tub of Matrix diet or regular whey protein blend in chocolate or strawberry flavours;
60 African mango tablets or zepherine capsules or pack of 240 creatine tablets.
Formulated to complement workout or weight management goals, these Matrix supplements are designed to shake up fitness regimes. Both packages include a hefty 2.25kg tub of whey protein, flavoured in either strawberry or chocolate, with a shaker. The diet whey protein blend comes with a choice of weight-management African Mango tablets or Zepherine capsules, while the regular protein powder comes with 240 creatine tablets.
The complainant considered the advertisement misleading as the products were being marketed as weight management aids, however, they were not authorised by the European Food Safety Authority to make such claims.
ASAI also requested substantiation for the claims in the advertising.
The advertisers stated that they were not claiming that the Matrix Bundle would help with weight loss. They said that they were very clear in their statement that the bundle was formulated to help compliment weight management and workout goals. They said that the product could form part of a diet and fitness plan and that all they had claimed was that the product could be used in conjunction with an existing weight management regime. They also stated that the advertisement had not claimed that the product could cause weight loss by itself.
The Complaints Committee considered the detail of the complaint and the advertisers’ response, together with the advertisers’ further comments in the matter. The Committee did not comment on EU Regulations. The Committee considered, however, that consumers would regard the offer as a product claim to assist with weight loss. As the advertisers had not provided the substantiation requested by the Secretariat the Committee considered the advertisement was in breach of Section 2.9 of the Code.
Action Required:
The advertisement must not reappear in its current form.