Complaints Process
Ireland's Advertising Complaints Service
Making a complaint about an advertisement or marketing communication
If you see an advertisement that you feel does not comply with the Code of Standards for Advertising and Marketing Communications in Ireland, we offer a free complaints service.
There are three ways to submit a complaint as shown below.

Ways to report ad complaints
Social Media Influencer Reporting
Our Social Media Influencer Reporting form allows you to anonymously inform us of social media influencers who you feel are not complying with enhanced guidance on influencer advertising and marketing that was introduced on 27 October 2023.
Advertisement Reporting
Our Advertisement Reporting form is used to submit feedback on an advertisement anonymously. The feedback is reviewed and used to form part of our trends analysis.
We may decide to do a formal investigation depending on various factors such as the level of complaints and complaint subject.
Formal Advertisement Complaint
Our Formal Complaints form may result in us carrying out formal investigations into an advertisement to determine if it complies with the Code. This can depend on various factors such as the potential impact of the ad. Complainants must provide their full contact details to make a formal complaint.
Our Complaints Process

Once an advertisement complaint is received, we decide which complaints are progressed in our complaints process for further consideration. This is determined by factors such as the potential impact of an ad, the level of complaints we receive, etc.
Providing Feedback
If you see an advertisement or marketing communication that you would like to make us aware of, without making a formal complaint, you can let us know by completing our online feedback form.

Read the Irish Advertising Code
Download a copy of the Code if you’re concerned that an advertisement or marketing communication does not comply with the Irish Advertising Code.
*our appeals and review service is not free of charge