
The Advertising Standards Authority for Ireland (ASAI) launches new advertising campaign

The Advertising Standards Authority for Ireland (ASAI) launches new advertising campaign to remind consumers and advertisers of standards for responsible marketing communications

 New tongue-in-cheek ‘Multi-Immortablets’ campaign aims to highlight examples of breaches of the ASAI code


29 Aug 2016

 For Immediate Release


The Advertising Standards Authority for Ireland (ASAI), the independent self-regulatory body committed to promoting the highest standards of marketing communications in Ireland, has launched a new advertising campaign across radio, print and digital outdoor.


The new advertising campaign aims to remind consumers and advertisers that the ASAI is committed to ensuring all marketing communications in Ireland are legal, decent, honest and truthful.

The ASAI’s print advert parodies a sample product, illustrated as ‘Multi-Immortablets’, with a caption reading “You will never die”. The advert is a tongue in cheek sample of an advertisement which is an obvious breach of the ASAI Code. It is also clear from the advertisement that the ASAI is the organisation tasked with ensuring the best interests of consumers and advertisers.

Similarly, a 30 second radio advert features a radio voiceover artist who tells listeners that he is “known for his safe and reassuring tones”. The advert communicates to listeners that the ASAI oversees standards in advertising, ensuring that ads don’t mislead or offend Irish consumers. The ad tells listeners that the ASAI will “listen to your concerns, respond to your complaints and set the standards for responsible advertising“.

The ASAI Code of Standards for Advertising and Marketing Communications in Ireland covers commercial marketing communications and sales promotions across all media in Ireland including digital (online banners, websites and social platforms), print, outdoor, radio, TV, leaflets / brochures, and direct marketing. The objective of the Code is to ensure that all commercial marketing communications are ‘legal, decent, honest and truthful’ and members of the ASAI are required to abide by the Code and not to publish an advertisement or conduct a promotion which contravenes Code rules.

The organisation also offers free confidential and non-binding copy advice on the compliance of proposed advertising. Advertisers, agencies, media and promoters can obtain copy advice from the ASAI on whether a proposed marketing communication or sales promotion conforms to the Code.

Speaking about the new campaign Orla Twomey, Chief Executive of the ASAI, said:

 “The ASAI is passionate about good advertising because responsible advertisements are good for consumers, society and advertisers and ensure trust in brands. Our campaign aims to raise awareness of the ASAI among consumers and advertisers, ensuring effective self-regulation of the advertising industry. Our approach is to work with advertisers rather than against them to ultimately ensure that all marketing communications are truthful, decent and honest.

 If an advertiser has any concerns, the confidential copy advice service can aid advertisers, agencies and media members in creating responsible advertisements.”

The ASAI’s 2015 Annual Report shows that a total of 1,221 written complaints relating to 924 advertisements were submitted to the Advertising Standards Authority for Ireland (ASAI) in 2015. The updated 7th edition of the ASAI Code of Standards for Marketing and Advertising also came into effect on the first of March 2016. The code was updated to ensure the code was relevant, reflecting societal and cultural values and attitudes. The ASAI conducts ongoing monitoring of advertising across all media and since 2007 has examined over 27,000 advertisements, with an overall compliance rate of 98 per cent.

The Advertising Standards Authority for Ireland is financed by the advertising industry and committed, in the public interest, to promoting the highest standards of marketing communications that is advertising, promotional marketing and direct marketing.


Or follow the ASAI on Twitter @THE_ASAI


The ASAI accepts complaints from any person or body who considers that a marketing communication may be in breach of the Code. To find out more, or to view the ASAI Code of Standards for Advertising and Marketing Communications in Ireland (7th edition), go to



For further details, please contact:

Breda Brown / Niall Mc Hugh

Unique Media

Tel: (01) 522 5200 or (087) 2487120 (BB)