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Advertising Standards Authority Code

Code of Standards for Advertising and Marketing Communications in Ireland

The purpose of the Advertising Code is to ensure that every advertisement in Ireland is legal, decent, honest and truthful. 

The Code applies to all commercial marketing communications or ads across broadcast, print, sales promotions and online content that promote the sale of goods or services.

About Us

The Advertising Standards Authority have been setting advertising standards in Ireland for over 40 years. 

We’re an independent organisation who are responsible for promoting the highest standards of advertising in Ireland and ensuring that all commercial marketing communications are ‘legal, decent, honest and truthful’.

Guidance on Influencer Advertising and Marketing

If in doubt, label it!

Fresh guidance for Irish influencers on the clear labelling of ads on social media was published in 2023. 

The guidance was published by the Advertising Standards Authority and the Competition and Consumer Protection Commission (CCPC). 

Latest News

Icas launch think tank

ICAS Launch its Global Think Tank

Advertising Standards Authority are delighted to be supporting the launch of the International Council for Advertising Self-Regulation’s (ICAS) Think Tank which took place in New York on 19 September 2024.
Recent Complaint Decisions

Recent Decisions – August 2024

11 advertisements were found to be in breach of the Advertising Standards Authority’s Code in the latest complaints bulletin.
ASA Annual Report 2023

Annual Report 2023

We have released our Annual Report for 2023.

Frequently asked questions

We are an organisation who set the standards for Advertising in Ireland. Read more here: About Us

Self-regulation is a system by which the advertising industry actively
regulates itself. It contributes to responsible advertising and helps
build consumer trust.

If you would like to inform us about an advertisement that you feel does not comply with the Code, you can choose between completing an anonymous feedback form or making a formal complaint. 

Both forms can be found here

We do not except complaints via phone, in person or social media. 

The Code of Standards for Advertising and Marketing Communications in Ireland applies to ALL commercial marketing communications and to sales promotions that promote the sales of goods or services. 

We deal with complaints regarding advertisements in Ireland only. However, if you wish to complain about an advertisement that appeared in media in another country, you can get in touch with an advertising regulator in that country e.g. for complaints relating to ads in the UK, including Northern Ireland, you can contact ASA UK, or for complaints relating to ads appearing in France, you can contact The ARPP. A full list of advertising regulators in Europe can be found on EASA’s website

Anyone can complain about any advertisement in Ireland. 

The self-regulatory system is funded entirely by the advertising industry and involves no charge to consumers or to the State. Costs are shared across the industry, ensuring that all advertising sectors participate but that none exercises any special influence over our operations. This independent status is a key factor in maintaining public confidence in the self-regulatory system.

Advertisers, agencies, media and promoters can obtain copy advice from the Advertising Standards Authority on whether a proposed marketing communication or sales promotion conforms to the Code.  Copy advice is communicated confidentially, is non-binding and is given free of charge. It is not definitive advice as to whether a proposed marketing communication or sales promotion would, if later complained about, lead to a finding by the Complaints Committee that it did or did not conform to the Code. Rather, it is an authorative opinion, given by the Executive, which does not bind the Advertising Standards Authority.

The Advertising Standards Authority will be in no way liable for any consequences that flow from a decision to heed or ignore Copy Advice.

If an advertisement is found to be in breach of the Irish advertising Code, it must be removed and/or amended.

In addition, decisions are released to the Irish media and often receive considerable media attention. 

Relevant Documents

The Code
Advertising Standards Authority Logo Ireland

Code - 7th Edition 2016

Advertising Standards Authority Logo Ireland

43rd Annual Report

Advertising Standards Authority Logo Ireland

Strategic Priorities 2023

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