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Recent Decisions – July 2024

Recent Complaint Decisions

18 advertisements were found to be in breach of the Advertising Standards Authority’s Code in the latest complaints bulletin. 

Complaint Decisions – Released Feb 24

Recent Complaint Decisions

Advertising Standards Authority releases latest Complaints Decisions   6 advertisements across online, out of home, social media and radio were found to be in breach of the Advertising Standards Authority Code on grounds related to a range of issues including Misleading, Substantiation, Promotional Marketing Practices and Alcoholic Drinks The Advertising Standards Authority independent Complaints Committee has […]

ASAI Complaints Bulletin – Release No.2 2023

12 advertisements across social media, online, radio, television and print were found to be in breach of the ASAI Code on grounds related to a range of issues including Misleading, Substantiation, Decency & Propriety, Alcohol and Environmental Claims   The Advertising Standards Authority for Ireland’s (ASAI) independent Complaints Committee has released its latest Complaints Bulletin, […]

ASAI Complaints Bulletin – Release No.1 2023

9 advertisements across social media, online, radio and print were found to be in breach of the ASAI Code on grounds related to a range of issues including Misleading, Substantiation and Alcohol   March 2023 – The Advertising Standards Authority for Ireland’s (ASAI) independent Complaints Committee has released its latest Complaints Bulletin, which contains 15 […]

ASAI Complaints Bulletin – Release No.4 2022

12 advertisements across social media, email, online and print were found to be in breach of the ASAI Code on grounds related to a range of issues including Misleading, Principles, Availability, Substantiation and Food and Non-Alcoholic Beverages   12 October 2022 – The Advertising Standards Authority for Ireland’s (ASAI) independent Complaints Committee has released its […]

ASAI Complaints Bulletin – Release No. 3 2022

14 advertisements across television, print, online and social media were found to be in breach of the ASAI Code on grounds related to a range of issues including Misleading, Principles, Substantiation, Health and Beauty, Gambling, Alcoholic Drinks and Food and Non-Alcoholic Beverages.   July 27th 2022 – The Advertising Standards Authority for Ireland’s (ASAI) independent […]

ASAI Complaints Bulletin – Release No. 2 2022

18 advertisements across television, print, online and social media were found to be in breach of the ASAI Code on grounds related to a range of issues including General, Principles, Misleading, Substantiation, Promotional Marketing Practices, Environmental Claims and Health and Beauty   Two intra industry / interested party complaints were upheld, while one was not […]

ASAI Complaints Bulletin – Release No. 1 2022

12 advertisements across radio, television, online, email and outdoor were found to be in breach of the ASAI Code on grounds related to a range of issues including Misleading / Substantiation, Recognisability and Pricing, Health and Beauty and Financial Services   18th February 2022 – The Advertising Standards Authority for Ireland’s (ASAI) independent Complaints Committee […]

ASAI Complaints Bulletin – Release No. 5 2021

4 advertisements were found to be in breach of the ASAI Code on grounds related to a range of issues including Misleading / Substantiation, Recognisability and Pricing.   12th October 2021 – The Advertising Standards Authority for Ireland’s (ASAI) independent Complaints Committee has released its latest Complaints Bulletin, which contains 9 case reports on complaints […]

ASAI Complaints Bulletin – Release No. 4 2021

16 advertisements found to be in breach of the ASAI Code on grounds related to a range of issues including Principles / Misleading, Promotional Marketing Practices, Substantiation / Health & Beauty, Recognisability and Nutrition and Health Claims   19th August 2021 – The Advertising Standards Authority for Ireland’s (ASAI) independent Complaints Committee has released its […]